Miss Saigon in the tunnels, well dressed, with a big ass gun.
Good morning Vietnam! (you know it had to be said.) We crossed into Vietnam on a boat. The Cambodian customs office at the boarder looked like someone's farm house, and the Vietnam boarder had a floating customs house. Yet, we had to get our visas months in advance and wouldn't be let in without one! Our first night in Vietnam was in Chau Doc. Pretty uneventful except for 2 things: 1) The difference between the Vietnamese general population and the Cambodians was immdiately evident. They are much more inclined to be rude, and have absolutely no regard for personal space of social courtesy. If you need to pass them, they will look at you and not move, however if they need to get by you or want to you enter their shop, they have absolutely no quams about shoving you or yanking your arm! 2) We ate at the mosthilarious restaurant that was a testement to Asian creativity. The restaurant area by day is a small hotel lobby, with the hotel staff still attending to guests while you eat....