Like every good "wanna-be Aussie", Mars and I got dressed in green and gold and headed out to the Adelaide Oval to take in a Cricket Match! I woke up at 9:00am... with a horrible sinus cold! Yes, I am the only person who can survive a Canadian winter, but get a cold in 40 degree
weather! Anyway, I took some meds, then it was stra

ight to the breakfast (or "Brekky") drinking. Glen arranged for 10 of us to go to the game in a stretch hummer, and Ant bought us all sombreros! We piled into the hummer, which was stocked with beer, wine, champagne, and Bourbon (anyone who has had an all day drinking event with these ingredients can probably predict where this story is headed...!). Luckily our seats were in the shade, because it was HOT out! (Adelaide is currently in the middle of a record-breaking heat wave!!) We chugged beers as soon as we got them, since if you didn't, they got warm in about 2 minutes! We snacked on Chiko Rolls and hot dogs, too. I le

arned just enough about the game to start taking bets... :) So about 2 overs into the game, our good friend Ant (Scotty, Ant, and Glen were all in Europe with us), fueled by the aforementioned mix of many drinks, starts alternating between cheering into the crowd and yelling at them! After being warned once by security, Ant was escorted out by 15 police officers and was about to be arrested when he broke free, sprinted to the Cathedral (not exactly a short distance), threw up on himself and the church (yes, the sign says "Free Cathedral Tours"!), then passed out. The police just let him go after seeing that!
With one man down, we continued on with the fun of the day... with Mars and I confusing all of the Aussies when, dressed up in the national colours, we opened our mouths and had funny accents! Thanks to all of the Aussies who showed us a good time. Great Australia Day!!!!!!! (Even though they lost BADLY to South Africa...!)
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