To celebrate Kristina's birthday, and also the Aussie public holiday May Day, we rented a BBQ
pontoon boat, packed the eskie (cooler), and headed for the Noosa River. As you can see from the photos, it was only a slight improvement on the classy scale from Tom's parking lot birthday :) With mimosas in hand, Captain Kim drove the crew up the river....or more accurately, up sh*t creek without a paddle! I beached the boat on the shallow river sand TWICE, and got us
stranded directly on top of a massive log, too. In my defence, the first time we got stuck we were driving into a lagoon area and there were no markings, or any indication at all the the river bed was that shallow! Tom and I had to get out (the water was barely knee deep!) and push the boat. We both got a Kimism as we were sliced by the boat metal upon re-entry (my leg, his stomach)! The second beach stranding was admittedly my fault. Went on the wrong side of the bouy because I was chatting. Typical! The third time we got stuck, I was driving close to the shoreline trying to avoid getting beached again in the shallow waters, and BANG!!, we drove right on top of a huge underwater log (not visible from the water). The boat was literally balancing in the middle on top of the log! hehe. For a third time, Tom got out to push, all while this guy watched and laughed from the shore as he
fished. Ummm... maybe the company should re-think it's "No boating license needed" policy! haha.

For being on a boat with a dinky little BBQ, we fixed quite a spread! Kristina made homemade guacamole and salsa, we had hummus, olives, and chips, and we cooked up beef rissole burgers with fried onions... and wine, of course (see bottle modeled stylishly by Mars!). We spent the rest of the day cruising around the river
looking at all of the beautiful rich houses on the waterfront (mom - you would have LOVED looking at all of them!). It was a really fun day, and we followed it up with a great dinner at a local Indian restaurant that night.

Happy 27th Kristina!!! Glad you were here to celebrate with us!
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