Just another day at the office...

Nothing beats walking into the ladies room at your work to find a very well built man with football player shoulders dressed in a champagne ball gown touching up his lipstick. Last night at Rococco (the restaurant I work at) local pseudo-celeb and female impersonator Mimi hosted her black tie birthday party.... and what a party it was! Complete with drag queens, tuxedos, sparklers, and more than a few unfortunate wig choices. Mimi, who refused to tell us her age because "a 'lady' never tells", had such a great time at the restaurant that she invited the staff to attend her after party. Dion (bar staff), Brett (bar manager), Kobe (Brett's girlfriend), Mars and I all headed over to the soiree dressed to impress. It was mix and mingle at its best, with all sorts of interesting attendees, (and some not-so-interesting ones, like the restaurant owner's son Richard, who was blind drunk and rude, as usual... he's the one in the background not dressed up in a grey ...