Ocean: 100, Kim:1

Update: I just went out for a surf today (Sunday morning) and I stood up my first REAL wave. It was about 3 ft and I rode it all the way into the beach. (I had some help from Josh picking the wave and a little push for the paddle, but otherwise all me). It was an amazing feeling. Am hooked. Woo-hoo!! After a few dodgy Aussie lessons, many, many bruises, a stinger encounter, and about 100 wipeouts... Mission accomplished! Kind of. My surfing has been improving over the last week and I am now able to stand up and ride waves all the way into the beach! I had said that if we were going to live in Oz, I was not leaving until I had learned to surf. On the surface, I can check that off the list, however I still want to tackle the bigger waves that Noosa is famous for... so I'm still trying to get out as much as I can. It is a great day when I can go for a surf, then lay out in the sun for a while, then finally roll into work for a dinner shift. Pretty sweet. I am really starting to love ...